The OHSAS 18001 is an Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series and was developed by the British Standards Institution. It was developed to allow industries to control the risk that occurred in the workplace and to improve the performance in the areas of Occupational Health and Safety. Now, It has been officially replaced with the International Standard ISO 45001:2018 for OH&S. This Standard can be adapted by any organization regardless of the nature and size of the business, it was published in the concern of the employees to protect them from work-related injuries and mishaps.
ISO 45001 is a universal standard that provides a practical approach to the business. ISO 45001 can be implemented by any private or governmental organization with or without any risk (High or low). The major difference between both the Standard is The OHSAS 18001 certification mainly focuses on the Occupational risk of any organization while the ISO 45001 certification focuses on both the risk and opportunities of any organization.
So, examining the safety of every employee, it was necessary for the International committee to change OHSAS 18001 into ISO 45001 Certification because ISO 45001 not only eliminates the chance of future hazards but also finds opportunities to develop the overall safety norm. Businesses that were previously certified with OHSAS 18001 will now have to update to ISO 45001:2018, as safety is the foremost concern in today’s world.
FINECERT is one of the trusted Consultants in regards to ISO Certification and Consultation Services. We have a team of professionals who can help your organization certify with ISO 45001 Certification and with other processes. It is essential for every organization to be adequate at its quality, safety, and efficiency in the industrial sector.
If, as a company, you are considering migrating from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 Certification, we will assist you. Adapting to ISO 45001 will allow businesses to provide a secure workplace and prevent any kind of work injuries, and proactively improve the performance of OH&S Standard. FINECERT will assist you with the overall process of implementing ISO 45001 Certification.