The Occupational health and safety management system is a set of practices and procedures designed to ensure that employees are safe while they are on the job and that employers are held accountable for their employee’s safety. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Occupational health and safety management system is a system of activities and operations for the planning, development, implementation, and review of occupational health and safety management techniques and policies. Management systems are designed to assist with the performance of safe, effective, and efficient work practices through the effective management of occupational health and safety outcomes. OSHMS provides a formalized framework to enable an organization to apply an evidence-based approach to managing risks at work to prevent, mitigate and manage the outcomes of work-related illness and injury. ISO 45001 Certification in Turkey deals with Occupational health and safety management systems designed to promote safety, health, and well-being in workplaces.
It is very important to choose the right ISO Certification company for your certification needs. If you are looking for an ISO certification, your certification company will play an important role in dealing with your company. Not only will your company consider the cost of your ISO certification, but also the cost of any possible mistakes in the case of the certification. With the help of our consultants, your organization can easily get ISO 45001 Certification in Turkey and feel confident in your certification.
Finecert is one of the leading ISO Consultancy & Certification companies that helps all kinds of organizations, irrespective of size and type of the organization. We help organizations with consulting, audits, and ISO certifications like ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, ISO 13485, and other major standards such as HACCP Certification, GMP, CE Marking, etc. For more information about ISO 45001 Certification in Turkey, you can write to us at or call/WhatsApp on +91 63642 14446 and submit an inquiry with all information. One of our experts shall contact you at the earliest to understand your requirements better and provide the best available solution in the market.
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems are a set of controls or processes designed to protect the health and safety of workers. They can be implemented at various levels within an organization for a single workplace or an entire industry. They are used to protect workers from risks associated with their occupation, such as those associated with dangerous machinery, hazards in the workplace, or unsafe practices. They provide an overall framework and support to help workers, employers, and other stakeholders achieve their occupational health and safety objectives. The Manufacturing industries such as Natural stone, Textile Industry, and petrochemical business are the few industries where that require high safety and a healthy working environment which can be achieved by ISO Certification Services in Turkey.