ISO 45001 is an international standard for occupational health and safety that was developed to safeguard employees and visitors from work-related injuries and diseases. ISO 45001 Certification in Ghana was created to mitigate any circumstances that could cause irreparable harm to employees and enterprises. Its standards are the result of extensive research by a group of health and safety management professionals who examined a variety of other system management approaches, including ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Furthermore, ISO 45001 was created to incorporate other current occupational health and safety standards, such as OHSAS 18001, as well as the International Labor Organization’s labour standards, conventions, and safety guidelines.
ISO 45001, in the opinion of many health and safety experts, including those who participated on the ISO committee, is a watershed moment. Businesses of all sizes may now use a single framework that provides a clear path to developing stronger and more robust occupational health and safety measures for the first time on a global scale.
Choosing a reputable and reliable Certification body is the most crucial and initial step toward obtaining ISO certification in Ghana as the International Organization for Standardization does not provide certification services. The recognised and accredited ISO Certificate issuers are ISO Certification Bodies. Once you select an ISO Certification Body in Ghana you must double-check the Certification Body’s accreditation information. This is how you can ensure that your ISO experience in Ghana is the best it can be.
We are one of the leading ISO Certification and Consultation bodies in Ghana and will help you to get certified in Ghana by providing our best solutions in a very reasonable price range.
ISO 45001:2018 is the international ISO standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, and it replaces OHSAS 18001. (OHSMS). The standard not only replaces OHSAS 18001, but also makes integration with other management systems easier than ever before, thanks to Annex SL’s new common structure. It is also closely aligned with the 2015 versions of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.