HACCP- Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points

HACCP certification in Libya

The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) certification method is designed to verify that food business operations have been developed and implemented in accordance with HACCP, which is a tool for identifying and controlling food safety hazards that may occur in the food industry.

Every food company should get its services approved by a third-party certification authority to ensure that they are providing adequate services. HACCP equips you with the knowledge and skills you’ll need to complete a HACCP assessment and plan. HACCP Certification is a system that certifies that the food industry has established, documented, and implemented HACCP-compliant systems and processes. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, or HACCP, is a globally known tool for identifying and controlling food safety hazards in the food industry.

Why choose Finecert for HACCP Certification in Libya

There are numerous advantages to implementing HACCP and becoming certified in your food industry. There are various business benefits in addition to the apparent benefit to your customers – they won’t get sick from eating your food. The demonstrated commitment to food safety is a major benefit. This communicates to your consumers and the general public that food safety is a top priority for you and that you have effective control measures in place.

Finecert will help you to get HACCP certified in Libya with the completion of its process and necessary documentation till the auditing and certification. The procedure does not end once you have obtained HACCP certification. The HACCP system will need to be maintained, improved, reviewed, and updated on a regular basis. HACCP standards, food law, and consumer expectations are constantly evolving, so you must be current, relevant, and compliant. 

Certification Plan for HACCP certification in Libya

Understanding the requirements:  Understanding the HACCP criteria is the first step toward becoming HACCP certified. “To know the rules, you must first study and understand the rules,” I believe. It is beneficial to undergo HACCP Principles and Application training. The International HACCP Alliance has an accredited HACCP Mentor to teach this course. If you don’t have the skills in-house, you could hire an outside food safety specialist.

Develop HACCP Plan: You’ll need to create and implement a HACCP Plan if you’re beginning from scratch. This strategy must be tailored to your company and the products you sell. It must also address any regulatory obligations imposed by your nation of origin and any countries to which you export. It’s a good idea to double-check that your HACCP plan is working properly once you’ve implemented it.

Complete gap analysis: If you already have a HACCP plan in place, I strongly advise you to conduct a gap analysis against the HACCP standard you’ve chosen. This will assist you in identifying any tasks that the HACCP standard requires your company to accomplish. If you are unsure about performing this study, you can hire an outside food safety professional to assist you. Your HACCP team leader, on the other hand, may be able to assist you with this work.

Choose Certifying Body: HACCP certification is given by an external or third-party certification authority with auditors who have the requisite knowledge and abilities to assess the HACCP system or plan. The foodservice industry should always check that the external or third-party certifying authority has the appropriate credentials and accreditation to deliver this service.

Auditing: A food firm must undergo an audit or examination of its food safety and HACCP policies and procedures in order to get certification from a credible certification provider. Your audit could be split into two parts: a document review (which can be done remotely) and an onsite review. A follow-up may be required if the auditor uncovers severe concerns.

HACCP Certification For Major Industries or Organisations in Libya

HACCP can be used by all organisations involved in the food supply chain, from producers to retailers. Businesses include, but are not limited to, those associated with:

  • Fruits and Veggies
  • Milk and Dairy Products
  • Fish and Fishery Products are a type of food that comes from the sea.
  • Meat and Meat-Related Products
  • Nuts and Nut-Based Products
  • Hotels with Bakeries and Confectioneries
  • Condiments & Spices
  • Cereals
  • Restaurants
  • Fast-food restaurants